Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 3 Teaching a young dog old tricks

While I'm meant to write about new technology that I've found interesting, I think there's still lots of "old" stuff, that we take for granted. For instance, I was recently left speechless when watching a younger member of my family attempt to use a bottle opener. They didn't know how it worked. Yet this same person has an incredible Myspace page and knows how to use MP3 players and all the latest gadgets. Go figure!

On the technology angle, I've got a PDF converter program thats proved itself very useful over the years. Take any PDF document, run the converter and presto, you have a document you can edit, or do whatever you need to. Also handy when no one has a copy of the original document the PDF was created from.


Anthony Tonna said...

Did you get this from Arthur we have it on our Ref PC

Lina said...

No I download it from a APC cdrom.