Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#17 PBWiki

Easy peasy.
I managed to "steal the lock" and get on to add my blog.
It's great the way that anyone no matter what there web skills is able to be part of the online community.

#16 Here Wiki, wiki....

One of the screen shots from Meredith Gorran Farkas' slide show was of a local history wiki. As this is an area I'm interested, it's come at a great time as the local history society I work with is gathering information for the 150th anniversary of our local suburb. They currently do not have a presence on the web and a wiki could give them a taste of what is possible, not to mention, broaden their information base for the uncoming celebrations.

This is something I plan to pursue....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#15 Web 2.0 and me

Web 2.0 means change across all library areas.
There's a line in the Dr Wendy Schultz's article "This too shall pass". I think Web 2.0 is on its way to who knows where and it's moving faster than most public libraries, staff and our library patrons can keep up with. The virtual world has moved onto Web 3.0 and 4.0 already.
Yet, while I know that as part of my professional development, I need to keep abreast of the amazing array of tools on the web and I like doing this, the patrons I deal with still want to borrow or ask for help. They like that they can talk to someone in real time, face to face in First life.

#14 Totally techno..

As I was trawling my way through the 5,ooo plus posts that contained "Learning 2.0"
I cam across an amazing video on the impact technology has and is having on learning in all areas of life. The focus is on universtiy students and the impact of digital technology on their lives. The blog is called "The Cool Cat Teacher Blog" and the
post is called Truth And Dare. It's worth a look.

It made me think about just how much of My (me time) is spent interacting with technology. The students in the video calculated that they spent 26.5 hours (7 hours sleeping) a day doing technology related stuff. I'm happy to say that this is why when the sun is shining and the birds singing (as I write this), I just want to switch it all off and go outside.

So I am.

#13 Bookmarks unleashed remainds me of FURL from a few years ago.
Being able to access my favourites from anywhere on the net, no matter where I am is a great option. I'm more inclinded to keep my favourites in my head and should I need to locate other websites, I'll perform a search. However, I can see it's usefulness in tracking down the websites that you might miss for specific areas.