Thursday, November 8, 2007

#14 Totally techno..

As I was trawling my way through the 5,ooo plus posts that contained "Learning 2.0"
I cam across an amazing video on the impact technology has and is having on learning in all areas of life. The focus is on universtiy students and the impact of digital technology on their lives. The blog is called "The Cool Cat Teacher Blog" and the
post is called Truth And Dare. It's worth a look.

It made me think about just how much of My (me time) is spent interacting with technology. The students in the video calculated that they spent 26.5 hours (7 hours sleeping) a day doing technology related stuff. I'm happy to say that this is why when the sun is shining and the birds singing (as I write this), I just want to switch it all off and go outside.

So I am.

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